måndag 22 februari 2010

On weather...

An arab pulls aside the curtain and looks out on a beautiful and sunny morning. Sun! she exclaims to herself and thinks it means warm enough to wear her woolstockings. When she finally finds herself outside she remembers that sun during a winterday in Sweden can only be a bad sign of immense cold.
Absolutely determined to stick to her CBT a la homemade and stay as happy and excuberant as can be she keeps on biking - despite the ache and resistance in her legs from the cold and sequelae of last days afro-dance session. Once again she thinks to herself: How wonderful and beautiful the world is. 2 minutes later she is on the ground, horizontal positon, 180 degrees rotation in her vertebral column on a crossing, a car circa 2 dm away and with the bag - heavy of books smashed to her face along with a bike which is totally in a place it shouldn't be. She keeps lying there for a minute thinking: I died with only ten months to go till my graduation. *sigh*

måndag 1 februari 2010

On freedom of faith

The shawarma-maker was prob a friend of someone who was a relative of someone who knew someone who knew someone who knew someone who was originally from Pakistan. And we all know that there are terrorists in pakistan. BAN THE SHAWARMA! (Can we please keep the kebab though?)

This was found on the following website: http://www.loonwatch.com/2009/12/ban-on-cemeteries/