måndag 19 april 2010

On positivity…

According to A we should become more zone 3 (some Doris Lessing thing), i.e. happy, smiling, goodwilling people. I feel I’m all zone 3, except when I’m surrounded all the time with people from zone 4 (bad people from a bad place).

Like yesterday at a coffee shop while listening to A explain what she is reading right now and how we should try harder, a group of pubertal young guys spent the whole time we were sitting there blowing into their coke bottles, shouting or singing loudly, all in one voice. It took all my energy to not get up, take a random chair and smash it over the head of one of them.

I don’t mean to sound like an old, nagging lady… BUT TODAYS’ generations are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo RUDE!!! I would never have dreamed of doing anything that irritating in public, when I was their age! Never! So, I am all zone 3 and zen and harmony… Unfortunately, I live in a zone 4, though. Add self-diagnosed adult ADHD to that and you realize I will die in a heart-attack  by the end of next year.

I’m trying to be all this…

But everyone I seem to meet are just…

söndag 18 april 2010

On natural disasters…

On Thursday evening I received a call from my sistervulcano iceland saying it will be hard for her to come this weekend. When I ask her why she responds that it’s due to a volcanic eruption… on ICELAND. It took a few seconds for this response to sink in. First I thought she was kidding with me. Since I hadn’t checked any news the entire day, I had totally missed out about this horrible incident.

So, I ran to the online newspapers and ended up on Aftonbladet – a Swedish tabloid magazine. One article was about Icelanders fleeing their homes. What caused anger in me was an article not much further down stating: “The Andersson’s: We should have been bathing.” (Sry, couldn't find the link.) I didn’t know who to feel more sorry for;  the homeless, ash-covered Icelanders or the un-bathing Swedish middle-class family robbed of their vacation. *sarcasm*

I find it scary though that almost everyday one hears about natural disasters around the world. I have this theory that the earth is uneasy for the upcoming second big bang or something! OR… or… we could be heading towards a new pre-dinosaur time when all the earth were volcanic eruptions! Creepy! So creepy made me recycle both paper AND metal yesterday! *phew* Who knows what mother earth is trying to tell us…

Friday evening me and M were reminiscing old times and old times’ music. We ended up youtubing songs we remembered from years ago and the collection was very spread between many genre

from pop to RnB to hip hop and over many years.

To me they were beautiful years of young friendship, crushes, school, trips, fun… and the occasional teenage drama. :)

That good ol’ music, those good ol’ days!

lördag 17 april 2010

On everyday life…

I bought a new computer btw, when I was in Malmö. An HP Mini. How was I so ignorant to the logic that a miniPC is the solution to all my computer-problems? It’s tiny and really portable! Not like my old computer, that I needed to rent a truck for, every time I wanted to move it from my desk to the kitchen table.


Which reminds me to tell, that sometime in January I woke up thinking I need a kitchen table. So, I got dressed quickly, took the bus out to IKEA and bought on impuls a kitchen table-set. In all this none-planning, DSC00279[1]I had forgotten to plan how to transport the kitchen table-set back home, since it weighed a smaller elephant.  I managed in the end, though, with much thanks to Johanna and the cab driver. :D

Another totally uninteresting thing for you to know is that I have got alot of spare-time. ALOT of sparetime. I don’t know what to do with it all. So, yeah… any suggestions? *project, woot, woooot, what project? Huh? Do I have a project? What?*

Oh! One last thing. When I flew back to Uppsala on Sunday, an incident happened at the plane that made me think alot. All of a sudden we could see the stewardesses run to a seat and they all dived in there, over a passenger. A minute later they announced in the speakers that an illness-incident had occured at the airplane and that they needed a doctor, nurse or anyone else medically knowledgeable. Eeeeeeeh, I felt. %¤&¤ I muttered.

I so hoped I was NOT included in the medically knowledgeable, with five years of education behind me! I don’t want my first case to be killing a patient over a few thousand feet in the air! So, I waited out the real doctors on the plane, because I figured there MUST BE a REAL doctor on the plane. Eventually, five minutes later, one doctor suddenly stepped forward (hesitantly, too hesitantly for being such an old doctor) and 15 minutes later another one joined! GAAAAAAAAAH! I’m still mad at you stupid doctors for waiting so long! Don’t become a doctor if you don’t wanna take responsibility! 

Oops, I forgot I’m all ZEN. AAAALL ZEEEEN! *grinding teeth*

onsdag 14 april 2010

On life…

It seems like the sun is here to stay for a longer period of time – could it be spring? Well, whatever it is IT’S GOOD AND I LOVE IT!
Another thing that feels good is my new schedule which has left me much spare time. So much spare time that I don’t know what to do with it all.

Lately I’ve been struck by how time flies by. Nana is graduating in June and Henno is 17 yrs old. Hebbo has a year left till secondary highschool and last week in Malmö I saw Ranosh, my little cousin that is almost as tall as me now and I almost cried. I remembered him being a tiny, little creature with wrinkled face and tiny, tiny hands – and the problem is I remember it as if it was yesterday.

I’m getting older. Things change. I have changed. I am not the 18 yr old that started medschool five yrs ago. Holding a scalpel and cutting through flesh is not a dream only, now it has also become a memory. My priorities are not the same, my friends are not the same, my dreams are not the same… I’ve changed, I’ve grown and I’m heading towards new goals in life.

I’ve started to like the new me. She looks better, talks better, walks better and is just great! I’m more confident today, I’ve learnt to stand up for myself and what I believe in. And what I believe in is myself. I’m a good person.I learnt that. I also learnt to select who’s opinions matter the most to me – about me. I’ve learnt that your true friends know all your weaknesses and laugh at them, because in the end they make you who you are and they love you for who you are!

Ok, so maybe me and my friends aren’t really this famous, but we’re still awesome! :P